To promote the participation of students, ACM SIGMM and ACM MM 2023 organisation committee will offer student travel grants for students.
Students must apply for a travel grant prior to the conference. To enable more students to be benefited from attending ACMMM 2023, students don’t have to have a paper at the conference in order to apply for a SIGMM travel award. The applicant must be a SIGMM student member (create an account) at the time of application.
Grantees need to pay the conference registration fee and make their own travel arrangements.
Application Procedure
Submit your application form via: SIGMM Student Travel Application Form (
applications open on 1 July and close on August 5.
Application deadline: August 5, 2023
Student Volunteers
Students who are awarded student travel grants might be expected to carry out light service as student volunteers during the conference.
Selection Criteria
Students being the primary authors of an accepted paper in the main conference or workshops will be given preference in the selection process.
Students without papers accepted for publication at ACM MM 2023 but involved in research closely related to the topics of ACMMM can also be considered.
Female and minority students’ applications are especially encouraged.