Call for Technical Demos and Videos Program

Submission link:

ACM Multimedia is the premier international conference in the area of multimedia within the field of computer science. Multimedia research focuses on technologies that enable the use and exchange of content integrating the multiple perspectives of different digital modalities, including images, text, video, audio, speech, music, and sensor data.

As in previous years, ACM Multimedia will provide demonstration and video sessions. Demos and videos are intended as real, practical, and interactive proof of the presenters’ research ideas and scientific or engineering contributions, with the goal of providing multimedia researchers and practitioners with the opportunity to discuss working multimedia systems, applications, prototypes, or proof-of-concepts. Such a setting allows conference attendants to view and interact first hand with live evidence of innovative solutions and ideas in the field of multimedia and to see leading edge research at work.

Expected Contents

Submissions are encouraged in all areas related to multimedia, as described in the ACM MM 2023 general call for papers:


Once accepted, demonstrators and video presenters will be provided with a table, a poster board, a power outlet and (shared) wireless Internet. Demo and video presenters are expected to bring with themselves everything else needed for their demo and video presentations, such as hardware, laptops, sensors, PCs, etc. However, if you have special requests such as a larger space, special lighting conditions and so on, please inform us as soon as possible and we will do our best to arrange them.

Important note for the authors: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be a few weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent applications related to the published work.


Submission Guidelines

All submissions will be peer-reviewed and selected through a jury process. Anonymous submission is not required. Submission materials should include:

1 – A two-page proposal (excluding references) in the standard ACM MM 2023 format. The proposal must describe the demonstrated system, and state the novelty and significance of the contribution to the multimedia community. The proposal should pay special attention to describing the exact demonstration scenarios for the given system. This should include how the audience will experience the demo, what kind of functionality is supported, user scenarios, interface and interaction options, etc. Specifically, the proposal should address the following aspects to the jury:

  • What is the scientific or engineering concept behind the work?
  • What is the novelty of the work and how is the work different from existing systems or techniques?
  • What is the expected impact on the MM community?
  • What will be actually shown during the demo?
  • What type of interactivity will be supported, for onsite and/or online scenarios?

2 – A walkthrough video to communicate your demo to the reviewers and provide an archive of the work.  Your video should summarize your demonstration and audio-visually highlight its most important aspects, such as the user interface, options for user interactions, the system setup, etc. The video must be in .mp4 format and no longer than 5 minutes. Submitted videos will be used for review purposes. The videos may also be displayed at the Interactivity site and possibly on websites previewing ACM MM content. Be sure to have permission for all content, and use rights-free music tracks.

3 – Configuration (optional). In addition, a one-page PDF file with a description of your demo booth configuration may be submitted if you have special requests.

Demo Submission

Demonstration proposals must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, using CMT. Additional files, such as video and configuration description, must be submitted as supplementary materials. The uploaded content must fit within the overall submission size of 250 MB. Otherwise, contact the demo/video chairs or arrange a way for submission.

Submission link:

Important Dates

The submission deadline is at 11:59 p.m. of the stated deadline date Anywhere on Earth.

Submission deadline: 22 Jun2 2023

29 June 2023 (New)

Notification of Acceptance:

26 July 2023

Camera Ready deadline:

6 Aug 2023


For any questions regarding submissions, please email the Technical Demos and Videos

Program Chairs:

Helen Huang, The University of Queensland (

Jiaqi Zhao, China University of Mining and Technology (

Ting Yao, JD AI Research (